BCS: Chapel with Phil Knuth

DwellChapel this past week was very entertaining. At the beginning, Nick Balsiger and Wesleigh Byrd hosted a marriage game, with a boy and girl from each high school class up on stage being questioned by the hosts. Nick and Wesleigh asked questions like, “Who changes the diapers?” and, “What do you do if you each want to watch a different show?”.  The responses and resulting arguments were hilarious and an excellent lead into the message we were about to hear.

Phil Knuth came to talk about relationships, focusing on Ephesians 5 and Genesis 5:22. The wife’s role is to submit in everything to her husband. The husband’s role is to love his wife like Christ loves the Church. True leadership in all situations is about loving others and dying to self. Phil defined death to self as wanting only what God wants. He said that wives model Christ by submitting to their husbands like Jesus submitted to the Father; and husbands model Christ by loving their wives like Christ loves the Church.

Phil gave three limits that everyone should put on their dating relationships. The first was to limit physical touch, the second was time alone, and the third was to limit the reduction of other relationships. The overarching message was to continually pursue Christ, because the way He loves us is how we are to love others.

Article submitted by:  Shelby Sims